Respect isn’t given. Respect isn’t taken. Respect isn’t even something we always deserve. Respect is from WITHIN… Ask yourself, do I respect myself? Do I treat other’s with the respect I want to be treated with? Do I get to disrespect other’s, taking their self respect they have created for themselves? If you don’t respect yourself first, how can you respect those around you, those you love, and those you encounter? How can you walk with dignity and integrity? Only to in the end feel shame, then have to hide even from your own self. Yeah complicated I know and why I am here to help break it down. Not to worry we all make mistakes, we all misjudge a situation, and we all are just as cable to learn and grown when we choose to. I was raised to always respect my elders. I was raised to respect my parents, was I perfect NO. But did I do my best, yes. I still do my best to love and respect my parents and elders. I do my best to teach my children the same. With that I say it daily in my home hoping one day it will stick and they will in turn teach the same to their children. I do my best to be respectful to all those around me. Is it easy no, it actually takes daily practice, allot of work, effort, and consistency. And boy do I fail time and time again, then back to the drawing board. But I do know in my heart I am getting better each day. I come across disrespectful people, I come across angry people, and I come across flat out mean people. I even get upset with myself at times for an action or behavior my human brain allowed me to disconnect to my heart center. You name it I have experienced it just like we all do and will over and over. We can’t change people, we can’t control every situation, and we can’t predict the outcome. The only thing we can do is RESPECT ourselves enough to walk away when something does not align with our values. Walk away when an angry person is looking for a fight. Say NO to the situations that we know will hurt our feelings. Just because someone is upset with theirselves does not mean you have to let them ruin your day. Just because a situation is not perfect does not mean it needs to ruin your day. Instead respect yourself enough to stop, think, and choose for yourself how you want the rest of your day to go. We only get one today, “1440 minutes” like 1440 MultiUniversity taught me… We don’t get to redo today. Yes we may have tomorrow but why waste today on something that wasn’t ours to begin with. Or worry about a situation we did not have control over anyway… Instead learn to grow thru the pain. Learn to stand in your own INTEGRITY of right and wrong. This way no one can take our self respect and with that we know we respected ourself. Kindly and compassionately the way we want to be treated and how we treat others. So start with loving yourself enough to learn to respect yourself and maintain a healthy balance with give and receive. Without self respect what else really matters… Happy SunDay FunDay! Lleanna