Joy is not something we are promised, joy is not given, and joy is not free. Joy is a blessing, Joy is what we work for, and a joy is God’s gift for every human being on this Planet! Joy is not for taking, stealing, or even robbing for someone else. If you try to you will sit and wonder why it does not feel good. It is because it is not yours to take.. So do yourself a favor and don’t try. Instead learn to find your own, learn to heal your pain and suffering, and learn to grow your joy. There is joy in everything we do and experience if we want it bad enough. We have to be willing to commit to it, do the work for it, and just show up for ourselves.. Follow our heart that god blessed each and everyone of us are gifted. I am not here for steal anyone’s sunshine, I am not here to outshine those around me, NO I am here to create my shine, embrace my shine, love my shine, and find joy in everything I do one way or another.. I am here to share my shine and love you sharing yours with me. That’s it. And yes that I work hard each day for.. We have two choices find joy by finding what makes our heart happy or we can choose to look at those who do have joy and focus on why they have it but that won’t get anyone anywhere. We are here to connect with one another and share the joy we each create embracing the love and joy in each of us as individuals. Sure we can’t have joy all the time but we can have joyful moments and we can choose to take it all in when we can. That is what gets us thru the hard times. Remembering the joyful times, the times of peace in our hearts, and grabbing onto to gratitude. We can choose in those tough times to sit in sadness or find gratitude in the simple fact we are still here and we have the opportunity to learn from our mistakes, heal our pains, and find a way to continue to move forward.. Yes continue over and over to come back HOME for a your heart! “Home is where the heart is” “Home is what we make of it” It’s up to you, ask yourself where is home for me? What do I want my home to look and feel like? Who do I want to share my home/heart with? Then decide how you feel any to spend each day? With pain or JOY? Yeah crazy question but if you don’t ask yourself then who will? All I know is I get to, so I will always choose Joy the best I can do such day! Good luck to all and hopefully one day our lights will meet and we will find JOY on that! Remember we were all created equal and we all have our gifts to shine! Love yourself so you can love others… Shine on brothers and sisters.. The Sun’s out!




When WE Heal OUR Sisters WE heal our World around US…