This world we live in does not wait for no man. The world does not stop spinning for you. The world can be hard and it can also be beautiful… It is up to us in how we choose to experience it. I do my best to see beyond the minds eye and beyond what I can touch. It is then I can create my world. I try to step back and see and feel the world for what it truly is. The world is not always kind to us because it is just a living breathing space. We are lucky to have it and it is up to us to be kind to it… Only then can we feel the true beauty within it and the creation of God’s gift. If you do not respect it yes it can swallow you whole. It is up to you to claim your space in this world, place your imprint on this world, and leave your legacy behind in it for years to come. Ask yourself how do you want to be remebered? Are you living that? If not why? What are you waiting for? It is up to you to step into it, keep up with IT, right now! don’t wait for your turn in life. Step into the beautiful world you want to live in and create the space that your heart desires. That is the only way. It is all about how you choose to perceive and achieve it. How you choose to be a part of it. How you choose to show up each day in it. That choice is up to you.