High Expectations…

The words High Expectations.. as I sit and think on what does this mean? Is it wrong of me to have high expectations? The thoughts come to mind, actually it is not right for me to have expectations of other’s at all, we are not supposed to, and it does not feel good to have expectations of others. Let’s be honest, when we do we sometimes set ourselves up for disappointment, unfulfillment, and that does not feel good. I realized my expectations are not actually for others at all. In reality they are my expectations of myself and for myself. Holding myself accountable for my actions and others accountable for their actions. Respecting myself and others. Most important setting healthy boundaries. My expectations of myself are part of my core values and make me who I am. So it brings me to the most important question… How do I maintain my core values, respect myself, and others around me? Why would I want to waste my time being upset because others values are not aligned with mine? I believe in give and receive in every relationship creates balance and just feels good. I don’t feel anyone owes me anything. I believe we get what we give. I have learned it just feels better and helps create balance throughout my day when I surround myself with people that share the same core values as I do. For example when a friend asks me for a favor or to help them out, I am doing it out of the kindness of my heart, I am more than happy to do it, and I’m happy I was able to return the favor or simple be there for them because if they are my true friend then I can tell you they have been there for me at some point in my life even we they don’t always realize it. Because that is what heathy relationship’s should look like. Today I choose to change my mindset and know my expectations are mine to uphold for myself and allow others to be their choices and their actions are for them to live with. We can’t control others choices but we can control our own and how we choose to feel. So keep things simple choose to surround yourself with likeminded kindhearted people, others who share the same core values, and don’t be selfish in relationships. Let’s be real who likes to hang out with people that expect you to jump to their request and demands but tell you NO when you ask or need something? No one! So do yourself a favor and don’t be that guy. LoL The more healthy balanced relationships you have in your life, the better off you are to having a good day! Be thankful and grateful for the people you get to share your life with. Appreciate the kind things people do for you out of the kindness of their hearts and always choose to give back! Happy Thanksgiving! Gobble Gobble…


Personal Growth…


Time is Valuable…